These sermons have been part of seasonal series, or preached at holiday times. May you be encouraged, and reminded, that God’s Word is central every celebratory season of the year!
In the Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension, and Imminent Coming Again! (Acts 1:1-11) - 12-29-2024 In God-With-Us, Salvation From Our Sin (Matthew 1:18-25) - 12-24-2024 In the Magi, and a Star, and Gifts for a Newborn King (Matthew 2:1-12) - 12-22-2024 In Angels, and Shepherds, and a Baby in a Manger (Luke 2:1-20) - 12-15-2024 In a Virgin Bearing Child, and a Little Town of Bethlehem (Luke 1:26-38, 46-55) - 12-08-2024 The Perfect Prophetic Prediction of the Resurrection (Isaiah 53:9-12; 52:13-15) - 03-31-2024 The Perfect Prophetic Prediction of the Execution (Isaiah 53:4-8) - 03-29-2024 The Perfect Prophetic Prediction of the Prosecution (Isaiah 53:1-3) - 03-28-2024 Finishing the...TRUE story! (Matthew 21:1-11) - 03-24-2024 TRUE story: Make Known the Manger King (Luke 2:8-20; John 4:25-30) - 12-31-2023 TRUE story: Misunderstood, Mistreated, Mighty Savior (Matthew 1:18-25; John 7:2-5; Acts 1:3-6) - 12-24-2023 TRUE story: Solo Parents and Sketchy Presents (Matthew 2:9-18; Luke 1:57-66; 2:1-7, 19, and 33) - 12-17-2023 TRUE story: From Nothing-Good Barn-Town (Matthew 2:1-6; Luke 2:1-7; John 1:45-46) - 12-10-2023 Hanging of the Greens Service (Various Scriptures) - 12-03-2023 'Mouths Wide Open': Satisfied In You, Christ (Psalm 81) - 11-22-2023 A Servant Savior's Sacrifice - The Reality (Exodus 11-12; Luke 17:25-30; John 11:25-26) - 04-09-2023 A Servant Savior's Sacrifice - The Implementation (Exodus 11-12) - 04-07-2023 A Servant Savior's Sacrifice - The Establishment (Exodus 11-12) - 04-06-2023 Wise Men Worship Him (Matthew 2:1-12) - 12-18-2022 Shepherds Seek Him (Luke 2:1-20) - 12-11-2022 Angels Announce Him (Luke 1:26-38) - 12-04-2022 Given Thanks, In Remembrance of Me (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) - 11-23-2022 Powerful Empty Tomb, or Pitied Empty Life (1 Corinthians 15:1-22) - 04-17-2022 Non-Tolerated to Atone for Our Sin (Mark 15:1-20, 25-39) - 04-15-2022 Made Himself Nothing to Give Us Everything (John 13:5-17 and Philippians 2:5-11) - 04-14-2022 Be Diligent To Be Found By Him In Peace (2 Peter 3:10-14) - 01-02-2022 In Jesus, We Can Depart In Peace (Luke 2:22-32) - 12-26-2021 Christ Jesus, He Himself, Is Our Peace (Isaiah 9:6; Luke 2:13-14; Ephesians 2:13-14) - 12-24-2021 God's Glory and Humanity's Peace (Luke 2:1-20) - 12-19-2021 Preparing the Way for Peace (Luke 1:67-79) - 12-12-2021 Foreshadowed Peace (Isaiah 9:1-7) - 12-05-2021 Oh, That We Would Give Thanks... (Psalm 107) - 11-24-2021 Easter Every Day (Living with the Resurrection) (Romans 5:20-6:14) - 04-04-2021 Why Jesus' Death was Necessary for our Salvation (Romans 5:15, 17; Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3) - 04-02-2021 Why Jesus' Humanity was Necessary for our Salvation (Romans 5:12-14) - 04-01-2021 GIFT: The Gospel--Good News (Luke 2:1-20) - 12-24-2020 (Christmas Eve) GIFT: The Souls of People (Isaiah 40:1-8; Matthew 1:21; and Luke 1:50, 54-55) - 12-20-2020 GIFT: God's Word (Isaiah 40:6-8 and Matthew 1:22-23, 2:4-6) - 12-13-2020 GIFT: God (Isaiah 40:1-5 and John 1:1-5) - 12-06-2020 Everlasting Thanksgiving (Psalm 100) - 11-25-2020 Written, Received, and Redemptive Good News (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) - 04-12-2020 An Undeniable Written Assertion of the Crucifixion of Christ (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) - 04-10-2020 A New Meaning to a Memorable Meal (Exodus 12; Luke 22:7-23) - 04-09-2020 O Lord Our God, Save Us! (Zechariah 9:9-16a and Psalm 118:25-26) - 04-05-2020 Know That It Is Written (2 Timothy 3:10-17) - 03-29-2020 The Coming-Again 'With-Us' God (Matthew 28:16-20; John 14:1-6) - 12-29-2019 The Intention of the Incarnation (the Manger to the Cross) (Matthew 1:21-23; Romans 5:8; Acts 4:12) - 12-24-2019 (Christmas Eve) The Incarnate 'With-Us' God (Matthew 1:18-25) - 12-22-2019 The Origin of 'Immanuel' (Isaiah 7:1-16; 8:5-10) - 12-15-2019 The 'With-Us' God (Genesis 1:1; 3:8; Isaiah 43:1-3; Daniel 3:16-25) - 12-08-2019 The Strong Guard Against Anxiety (Philippians 4:4-7) - 11-27-2019 (Thanksgiving Eve) An Honest Easter Admission (Luke 24:13-35) - 04-21-2019 The Life-Giver Gave His Life (John 13:1-11, and 31-14:6) - 04-19-2019 To Follow Jesus Is To Do (Luke 14:27-30) - 04-18-2019 Don't Pack A Bag (Mark 6:1-13) - 04-14-2019 SEE HIM: Spiritual Revolution Instead of Resolution (Various Scriptures) - 12-30-2018 SEE HIM: The Christ Child, Born to Save (Matthew 2:19-23; 26:71; and John 19:16-19) - 12-24-2018 SEE HIM: The Coming Christ in Calamity and Chaos (Hosea 11:1; Jeremiah 31:13-17; Matthew 2:13-18) - 12-23-2018 SEE HIM: God's Salvation Hope in a Likely Unlikely Place (Micah 5:1-5a; Matthew 2:1-12) - 12-16-2018 SEE HIM: God With Us, to Save Us (Isaiah 7:10-17; Matthew 1:18-25) - 12-09-2018 Thankful for God's Reasons (Exodus 13-14) - 11-21-2018 Full Hearts of Those Who Saw-and Believed-from the Empty Tomb (Matthew 28:8; Luke 24:12, 33-35; John 20:26-29) - 04-01-2018 Full Hearts from Eternal Life, Even in the Face of Death (Luke 23:33-49) - 03-30-2018 Full Hearts from Serving Alive With Christ (Luke 22:19-30) - 03-29-2018 The Good News of Jesus? Living King Forever! (2 Timothy 2:8) - 03-25-2018 A Common Theme at Jesus' Birth: 'Spread the Word' (Luke 2:8-10, 17-18, 36-38) - 12-31-2017 Jesus...A.K.A. GOD Who Saves (Matthew 1:21) - 12-24-2017 (Christmas Eve) Immanuel...A.K.A. GOD With Us (Matthew 1:22-23 and Isaiah 7:10-16) - 12-24-2017 The Son of God...A.K.A. GOD in the Flesh (Mark 1:1; Luke 1:30-35; and John 1:1-5, 14) - 12-17-2017 Christ...A.K.A. GOD Who Reigns (Matthew 1:1-16; 2:1; and Luke 2:8-11) - 12-10-2017 When We're Not Thankful for All God Has Given (Exodus 16:1-17:7; 1 Corinthians 10:6) - 11-22-2017 The Faithfulness of God through Moses (SOAR Presentation), and The Blood of the Lamb is God's Great Sign (1 Peter 1:18-19) - 04-09-2017 How the Servants could be Near the Master - Maundy Thursday (John 13:1-30, and 2 Corinthians 8:9) - 04-13-2017 Why it Had to be the Cross - Good Friday (2 Corinthians 5:21 and Galatians 3:13) - 04-14-2017 The Resurrection Changes Everything - Easter Sunday (Romans 4:25; 6:9-10; and 8:10-11) - 04-16-2017