Below you will find some of the more recent sermons preached at Winchester Community Church. May these be an encouragement to you in your growth and knowledge of Jesus Christ through God’s Word, the Bible. (To find sermons from previous series, click here.)
Who Do You Trust To Contend For You? (Psalm 35) - 01-12-2025 God Comes Through When We Come Apart (Psalm 34) - 01-05-2025 In the Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension, and Imminent Coming Again! (Acts 1:1-11) - 12-29-2024 In God-With-Us, Salvation From Our Sin (Matthew 1:18-25) - 12-24-2024 In the Magi, and a Star, and Gifts for a Newborn King (Matthew 2:1-12) - 12-22-2024 In Angels, and Shepherds, and a Baby in a Manger (Luke 2:1-20) - 12-15-2024 In a Virgin Bearing Child, and a Little Town of Bethlehem (Luke 1:26-38, 46-55) - 12-08-2024 God's Observable 'Loving-Good-Kind-Favor-Mercy-ness-es,' For Those Who Hope In Him (Psalm 33) - 11-24-2024 It Is Good to Admit When We Are Not Good: The Blessing of Confession (Psalm 32) - 11-17-2024 A God Who Knows: The 'Why' You Can Trust In Jesus (Psalm 31) - 11-10-2024 To What--or to Whom--Are You Witness? (Isaiah 43:8-13) - 11-03-2024 Thank You, God: For Your Forgiveness, Your Favor, Your Face (Psalm 30) - 10-27-2024 Defining Moments for Declaring God's Majesty (Psalm 29) - 10-20-2024 God, Have You? O God, You Have! (Psalm 28) - 10-13-2024 The Testimony of Delighting in a Delivering God (Psalm 27) - 10-06-2024 Standing in an Even Place in an Un-Even World (Psalm 26) - 09-29-2024 God as Guide to Regenerate Sinners (Psalm 25) - 09-22-2024 The Founding, Holy, Eternal, Mighty King of Glory (Psalm 24) - 09-15-2024 In the Good Shepherd, I Have Everything I Want (Psalm 23) - 09-08-2024 A Psalm on the Suffering and the Spread of the Savior Messiah (Psalm 22) - 09-01-2024 God Blesses Us, We Trust In Him (Psalm 21) - 08-25-2024 Lord, Save The President! (Psalm 20) - 08-18-2024 The Big Book and the Bigger Book (Psalm 19) - 08-11-2024 Remember and Recount the God of High Places (Psalm 18) - 08-04-2024 My Testimony (2 Corinthians 5:17) - 07-28-2024 A Relationship with the Refuge-Giving God (Psalm 17) - 07-21-2024 Confident Speech and Selfless Community (Acts 4:23-35) - 07-14-2024 Goodness, Fullness, Pleasures & Joy in the Resurrected Savior, Jesus (Psalm 16) - 07-07-2024 Jesus: The Rock of Salvation on Which We Stand (Acts 4:11-12; Romans 12:2) - 06-30-2024 The Latter Will Be Greater (Haggai 2:1-9) - 06-23-2024 A Man Unmovable (Psalm 15) - 06-16-2024 When Heaven Checks on the Children of Men (Psalm 14) - 06-09-2024 How to Handle a Non-Answer from God (Psalm 13) - 06-02-2024 Preserved Forever by the Pure Words of God (Psalm 12) - 05-26-2024 The 'Right' Answer to This Common Question (Psalm 11) - 05-19-2024 The Vantage Point of the Vandal vs. the Omniscience of God (Psalm 10) - 05-12-2024 Praiseworthiness for the Compassionate Justice of God (Psalm 9) - 05-05-2024 Divine Ophthalmology: See Jesus; 'How Majestic!' (Psalm 8) - 04-28-2024 Exultation of the Just Judgment of God (Unrighteous and Righteous Edition) (Psalm 7) - 04-21-2024 Our Lament, and the Lovingkindness that Anchors Deliverance (Psalm 6) - 04-14-2024 Having Lives & Lips that 'Testify to the Gospel' (Acts 20:18, 22-24) - 04-07-2024 The Perfect Prophetic Prediction of the Resurrection (Isaiah 53:9-12; 52:13-15) - 03-31-2024 The Perfect Prophetic Prediction of the Execution (Isaiah 53:4-8) - 03-29-2024 The Perfect Prophetic Prediction of the Prosecution (Isaiah 53:1-3) - 03-28-2024 Finishing the...TRUE story! (Matthew 21:1-11) - 03-24-2024 The Morning, the Mirror, and the Joy of Loving Your Name (Psalm 5) - 03-17-2024 O They...O Heart...O Lord, You Alone (Psalm 4) - 03-10-2024 Salvation Belongs to the Lord (Psalm 3) - 03-03-2024 Earthly Rulers: Revere and Find Refuge in Messiah, the Lord (Psalm 2) - 02-25-2024 Down, Up? Wrong, Right? Opposite of Wicked: God's Word is Delight! (Psalm 1) - 02-18-2024 The Anatomy of the Soul: Psalms, an Introduction (Various Psalms) - 02-11-2024 Stand Sure in the True Grace of God (1 Peter 5:12-14) - 02-04-2024 On a Relationships Revolution (Luke 6:36) - 09-08-2019 Relationship Blessings vs. Relationslip Afflictions (Luke 6:20-49) - 07-07-2019 Purposeful Disciplemaking both Transferable & Transformational (1 Corinthians 4:14-17) - 09-30-2018 Disciplemaking Power, Presence, & Purpose from Christ's Resurrection (Matthew 28:18-20) - 09-23-2018 Do What Jesus Did (Matthew 28:18-20) - 09-16-2018