
Welcome to Winchester Community Church!  We hope you will join us this Sunday at 10:30am, as we seek to grow closer to God through Jesus Christ in community with one another.

About WinCC

No matter where you are in your journey with God, we would love for you to become a part of the Community as we walk with you closer to a living relationship with Jesus Christ.  Winchester Community Church is a people who recognize how much we are in need of God’s grace, and who desire to know personally that grace as provided to us through Jesus.  You don’t have to dress a certain way, or act a certain way, or know a certain thing in order to come to WinCC.  After all, the church is not a museum of good people; it is a hospital for the broken.  But after an encounter with Jesus in unity with others here at WinCC, it is our hope that you will leave different than when you came—and that it will lead you to keep coming and bringing others with you to have an encounter with Jesus, too.

What To Expect

Attending any church for the first time can be somewhat nervous or intimidating.  We at WinCC don’t want it to be.  So when you come to the campus at 909 Harlem Road in West Seneca, NY prior to the 10:30am worship service, feel free to make yourself at home.  Enjoy some pre-service coffee and pastries at the Coffee Spot.  If you have kids, please connect with our certified KidsChurch team leaders at the WinCC KidsChurch check-in table at the far end of the Lobby.  Go ahead and enter the church Sanctuary and find whatever seat you would like.  Rest and relax while listening to the pre-service music, and check out some of the things scrolling on the video screen at the front of the stage.  Then, when the service begins, please join and participate in whatever way you feel comfortable.  There might be some songs, prayers, and customs that are somewhat familiar; there also might be some that are new.  No matter your background, we think that you will enjoy your time worshiping God, hearing from His Word the Bible, and responding to a personal relationship with Jesus.  And we hope that you will come again any Sunday you are able as well.


Too many people have the wrong impression of church.  They believe that it is part of the “ends” rather than the “means.”  We at WinCC recognize that if we are to follow Jesus, the church must do as the Bible says and walk as He did.  Jesus didn’t come to earth to “do church”; He came to earth to change the world by making disciples—followers of Him.  That is why WinCC recognizes that, just like Jesus, we are called to SHARE the Gospel—the Good News that we can only be saved from our sin through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, and by having a personal relationship with Him.  We are committed to SHAPING the followers of Jesus—encouraging everyone who is walking with Jesus to grow more grounded and mature in their faith every day of their lives.  And, we have the commission to SEND these followers out—to make a difference in the community and around the world, sharing the Gospel with others as well.

Facebook LIVE

If you are not able or not yet comfortable joining in person, we invite you to worship via live-stream on Facebook Live.  Join us at home with loved ones by clicking on the icon below, to be redirected to the WinCC Facebook Live feed.  (NOTE:  A Facebook account is not necessary to view the live-stream; the WinCC Facebook page is public, just like this site.)  If you do have a social media account, please “Like” and “Share” and comment to participate in the online worship experience!  (We also invite you to take part in worship through giving tithes and offerings, through the WinCC Online Giving link.)